Wednesday, December 22, 2010 60th Cadet Officer Course
The 60th Cadet Officer Course will be held at NCC HQ. The Duration of the Course is 3 weeks and is held from 14Feb to 4 March 2011. This Course is non-residentual. Also This course only accepts people who have competed thier O levels, N Level, And N(t) level and have found a position in a JC, MI, Poly or ITE. Seniors who are in poly or Jc or ITE can also enlist into this course. A nafa Certificate of Bronze and Above is Required to be able to enlist into this course. My opinion on this Course: Go For it!!!!!! By, YSS NCC at 8:49 AM |
Started in the year of 1986. Loyalty To Country Uprightness Leadership Discipline Commitment & Responsibility Care For Fellow Cadets Adventurous Spirit Overall in charge -Mr Chang FY Part C -Mr Zul Idham Bin Mohd Ismail Part B -Mr Clarence Lee Zhitao Part A -till furhtur Notice YSS Leaders Web NCC YSS NCC [Clt Jian Xiong] [Clt Syakirin] [Clt Joseph] [C/2LT Nirmal] [C/Offr Mahyuddin] [C/LTA Daven] [C/2LT Soon Yu] [C/LTA Jacky] [C/offr David]
This will be my last post on this blog :( as part ... PDS Training YSS PDS Squad PDS FDS/spec coursetraining FSD training NCC hq RE Freestyle drill date. Freestyle drill competition. [AM Wei Chong(MSG'07)] [AM Liang Liang(SSG'07)] [AM ANDY(MSG'08)] [c/offr David(head admin '09)] [SSG Farhan(head Admin '10)] |