Saturday, January 2, 2010 NCC meeting, training, secondary 1 orientation.
there would be an ncc meeting after school on 4 Jan for the whole company please report immediately after school ends and meet at the ncc room. (whole company meaning Part B,C and D. Clts and seniors are not required to come). after the meeting will be followed by training for the secondary 1 orientation. please remember to bring along PE shirt. Training for the sec 1 orientation will be after school everyday, till 9/01/2010. On the 8/01/2010 there will be an ncc training from 2.30pm to 6.00pm. Wear Smart 4 for the training. on the 9/01/2010(Saturday), there is an secondary 1 orientation, please report to school 8.30 am for the practice session and also wear smart 4. By, YSS NCC at 9:01 PM |
Started in the year of 1986. Loyalty To Country Uprightness Leadership Discipline Commitment & Responsibility Care For Fellow Cadets Adventurous Spirit Overall in charge -Mr Chang FY Part C -Mr Zul Idham Bin Mohd Ismail Part B -Mr Clarence Lee Zhitao Part A -till furhtur Notice YSS Leaders Web NCC YSS NCC [Clt Jian Xiong] [Clt Syakirin] [Clt Joseph] [C/2LT Nirmal] [C/Offr Mahyuddin] [C/LTA Daven] [C/2LT Soon Yu] [C/LTA Jacky] [C/offr David]
There will be no ncc Camp this year. <!--Session d... end year camp. PDS Squad NCC meeting. PDS squad. there will be training for some part C. the traini... For spec. to all part C specialists. NO NCC training till after exam. [AM Wei Chong(MSG'07)] [AM Liang Liang(SSG'07)] [AM ANDY(MSG'08)] [c/offr David(head admin '09)] [SSG Farhan(head Admin '10)] |